Reaching, engaging and supporting ECRs in the atmospheric chemistry community


The first IGAC-iCACGP Early Career Researcher Scientific Steering Committee was formed in January 2023, following a recruitment effort during the joint iCACGP-IGAC 2022 meeting in Manchester, UK. Members from across the globe serve on the committee. We meet every two months for general Committee business and more frequently when planning events, such as workshops/seminars/conferences. 

The ECR SSC has identified three major activities through which to improve the experience of early career researchers within the IGAC community:

  • Communication: Improve outreach to early career researchers, particularly in developing nations and underserved scientific communities.
  • Engagement: Incite early career researcher to join IGAC activities and working group, and partake in IGAC activities. Outreach and combine efforts to fellow scientific organizations (e.g. SOLAS, iLEAPS, LAECESS, etc.)
  • Career development: Provide resources and workshops to enhance early career researchers career perspectives, and provide networking opportunities.

Who is an Early Career Researcher?

Our definition of an ECR includes current PhD and Masters students and any researchers which are up to 7 years after finishing their PhD (Excluding career breaks)

Our missions:

Reach, engage and support early career researchers (ECRs) in the atmospheric chemistry community through ECR dedicated science events, personal development workshops, and an online presence to promote collaboration and informal interactions. Promote access and interaction with under-represented regions in the IGAC community.

Represent the voice of ECR in iCACGP-IGAC and their activities as well as connect with other network ECR working groups active in the community.

Our goal is to establish an inclusive, equitable, and truly global ECRs community in atmospheric chemistry