Early career scientists in fire science

From September 17th – 22nd 2023, two members of the ECR SSC got the opportunity to go to the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Science to attend the Fire Learning AcRoss the Earth System (FLARE) meeting. FLARE brought together scientists from different parts of the world, and different disciplines, to discuss a big question: what challenges are most pressing to wildfire science? Over the week, we had many conversations and presentations that emphasized how each individual’s perspective was uniquely different. They have a big job to summarize the discussion into succinct recommendations, which will soon be available.

During an intense week, we delved into wildfire science’s complexities. From this discussion, three critical challenges emerged: understanding the role of fire in the global carbon cycle, addressing its intersection with extreme events, and unraveling the complex dynamics of human-fire interactions. The discussions underscored the urgent need for a broader, yet integrated, transdisciplinary approach. Early career science was at the forefront of discussion. The many scientists who considered themselves ‘early career researchers’ shared their perspectives on inclusion within the wildfire community. They stressed the importance of finding community within themselves and the value of support and opportunities offered by senior scientists.

Another challenge that was discussed was the stark contrast between the research capabilities and resources of the global north and south. To overcome these barriers, it is imperative to establish a truly global community considering the diversity of voices, as well as local and regional experiences and knowledge, while avoiding extractive practices that do not always benefit the communities involved.

Seba Diez represented the IGAC activity of Allin-Wayra, a new activity focused on using small sensors with the ultimate goal of building capacity, and pushing its development and reach to answer some questions in the atmospheric chemistry community.

Steph Schneider represented the IGAC activity of BBURNED (Biomass Burning Uncertainty: ReactioNs, Emissions, and Dynamics) as the chemistry working group lead. The group aims to identify and address uncertainties in wildfire emission, modeling, and chemistry.

The ECR perspectives offer thoughts and perspectives on topics of interest in the greater atmospheric chemistry community. Do you have an idea for a perspective? Please email igacecr@igacproject.org with you suggestion.



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